Saturday, July 31, 2010

Tomorrow, Tomorrow...

Hey Gang

Well tomorrow is the big day, and well what can i say.... everything is packed.... we will be saying our goodbyes to the fam tonight.. and then we are off!

I am so very excited, i dont think the realisation of it has hit Nath yet, but it will shortly... i hope :)

This will be amazing!


Sunday, July 25, 2010

One week left!

Hey gang

Oh my goodness, one week left to go....

Oh my goodness, one week left to go....

Oh my.... ok so you all get the picture, I am very excited

You see Nath and I have been planning this holiday for well over 12 months now... and it if finally here :D

Most things are locked in place including lunch with my favourite Mongolian aunty & uncle, and on a not so exciting note... voting in London (woot)

I am just over the moon with excitement

Sorry this blog has been a little lacking on the content ... but i am just SO excited :)


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Where we are going

Hey Gang

I realised that i havent yet informed you all of where we are going.... so here it is :)

We leave Australia on the 2nd of August, arrive in the UK on the 3rd and then we are spending a week in London.

From the 9th of August until the 2nd of September we are on our topdeck tour

No rest for the wicked we travel north through England and Scotland until the 12th of September

And then from the 12th until the 25th of September we are hitting Ireland

And yea that's about it, it will be busy, but it will be magical

Monday, July 19, 2010

2 Weeks to go

Another week down, two to go!

Very exciting on the bus this morning realising that this time in a fortnight we will be ready to chug on off to Sydney....

So all of our accomindation is done (hurray) and now it is just a matter of finding things to do, i know that sounds silly because for flips sake we are in Europe we will have 1,000's of things to do.

But it is narrowing things down... espically on our TopDeck tour where we will only have a day or 2 in each place... is alot harder to do then first thought...

However i am sure we are up for the challange, but i mean if people have ideas please let me know anything that i just "can't miss".

Until next time :)


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

3 Weeks and Counting!!!

Hello World

Nath and I have decided that we will use this blog to keep you all posted on our travels around mainland Europe, the UK and Ireland.

At the moment we are just under 3 weeks before we fly out, so we are finalising where we are staying in Ireland, which is very exciting!

So Yea not much more to add, but if you would like a preview of the AMAZING Scottish castle we are staying in (it is costing us an arm and a leg but what the hey!) here it is :)

Jealious... you should be :P

Until next time :D