Monday, August 9, 2010

London Day 6 (aka today)

Hey Gang

So as some of you may have noticed, days 3-6 have all been posted today... that is because today is our last day in London :(

And because it is our last day we are wrapping up alot of things, like at the moment i am in the Internet cafe, whilst Nath is at the laundry waiting for our washing and re-naming photos!

So yea, in terms of touristy cool things, today will be a bit light on because we have to go and vote (woot) and we have to find a post office to post some stuff back (it is suprising how much crap you get in the space of a week!)

But the end of London is a good thing (in a way) because that means bring on the Topdeck tour!!!


1 comment:

  1. Great to see u having fun. Amber can't wait for a postcard:)
